Wallbox Research
Collecting data and identifying reliable findings about the Wallbox experience and their users

A company whose main goal is to design, manufacture and distribute innovative charging systems to support the advent of sustainable transport. Wallbox aims to accelerate the change into a more sustainable way of transportation by providing a comprehensive, simple and effective solution for the charging issues among electric vehicles. With over 167 million euros in investment since its inception, Wallbox is positioned in several rankings as one of the Top 5 startups in Spain (2020, 2021), and continues its journey to make EV charging experience readily available across Europe.
Perform research actions to collect data from real users, identify actionable findings and make informed decisions about the Wallbox experience
My role
As a Product Designer, I executed the app usability tests, the interviews of the charger installers and the app users, I carried out an app benchmark of the main competitors and I found the insights of each research action.
Field study
App benchmark
Online survey
Usability tests
Google Meet
Wallbox's team workshop
Wallbox's expert interviews
App benchmark
Field study
Online survey
Usability tests
Team workshop
Research outcomes (all the research actions of the "Explore" phase)
Use cases
Key insights about the app
Key insights about the competitor's apps
Report to inform successful products or services
The research framework that we designed had the objective to collect data and identify reliable findings. Insights found in 3 or more actions were considered highly relevant and had the potential to inform successful products or services.
Looking for insights
Explore and analysis
During all the project we wanted to ask the next question: "How might we improve the Wallbox app to improve the users' experience?"
We conducted the research with the next three objectives:
Tailor-made research framework: Fast and cost-effective research actions to collect data from real users, identify actionable findings and make informed decisions about the Wallbox experience.
A user-centric approach: All research actions involved real users, with the goal to better understand their motivations, pains and gains around the current Wallbox experience.
Transversal and actionable findings: By better understanding the users, their behaviours, expectations and motivations, we can design solutions that have a real impact on their experience.

This was the Miro board that we used in order to analyse each action and present the insights and findings (I can't show any data here in terms of confidentiality).
In terms of confidentiality, I can only show the overview of the usability tests and the app benchmark.
Usability tests


The outcome of the project was the report to inform successful products or services and some time later we could see one of the first products, a little device in order to connect your charger to the internet via 3G/4G.

Wallbox and Pixel Research Lab